Team - Toe Pokers
Plex North Adult Coed C Winter Playoffs Standings
  GP  W  L  T  Pts  GF  GA  GD Calendar Sync
Locomotives 33009963
Toe Pokers 321061376
Hoosiers 1010023-1
go blue 1010001-1
Hot Shots 1010013-2
the sloths 1010016-5
Toe Pokers's Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
lun-mar 23   Toe Pokers 6 - 1 the sloths Complete Plex North OPS Indoor Field 2 Regular 
lun-mar 23   Toe Pokers 3 - 1 Hot Shots Complete Plex North OPS Indoor Field 2 Regular 
lun-mar 23   Locomotives 5 - 4 Toe Pokers Complete Plex North OPS Indoor Field 2 Regular