Plex North Adult Coed C Winter Playoffs    (marzo de 2015)
Plex North Adult Coed C Winter Playoffs Standings
  GP  W  L  T  Pts  GF  GA  GD Calendar Sync
Locomotives 33009963
Toe Pokers 321061376
Hoosiers 1010023-1
go blue 1010001-1
Hot Shots 1010013-2
the sloths 1010016-5
Plex North Adult Coed C Winter Playoffs Schedule
Plex North Adult Coed C Winter Playoffs Bracket Print
Semi-FinalsRound Of 8Championship
 5  go blue (0) 
3/23/2015 10:30 PM 
Plex North Indoor 2  
 Locomotives (1) 
 2  Locomotives (3) 
3/23/2015 9:30 PM 
Plex North Indoor 2  
 Hoosiers (2) 
 7  Locomotives (5) 
3/23/2015 11:30 PM 
Plex North Indoor 2  
 Toe Pokers (4) 
 3  Toe Pokers (6) 
3/23/2015 10:00 PM 
Plex North Indoor 2  
 the sloths (1) 
 6  Toe Pokers (3) 
3/23/2015 11:00 PM 
Plex North Indoor 2  
 Hot Shots (1) 
Tournament Details
League Type: TournamentSingleElimination
Demographic: Co-Rec
Division: C
Sport: Indoor Soccer (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 3/23/2015
End Date: 3/23/2015
Status: Complete
Team Fee:
Other Fee Info: Fee does not include $10 player card membership fee. Each player needs a membership card which is good for one year. (Memberships are only required for Plex league play)
More Info: